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  • Irene Law 12:43 pm on February 8, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: health   

    Love our Kidney 

    “Love our kidney”. Today i like to share a little about how important kidney work and symptoms  warn to us . For many people knowledge kidney is the function such as reservoir for urine to stay.

    What happen if you had this few symptoms such as :-Changes of Urination,swelling for your ankles,leg,feet,hand or face.Fatigued,skin rash/itchiness,nausea and vomiting and feeling cold.

    Than with the above you must do a full medical check up before it to late. What we can do is ask your doctor to do kidney test,anemia,diebetes and advise for nutrition.

    Anemia is shortage of red blood cells,it start with very early kidney failure and cause you feel tired,worn out and damage your heart. for diebetes you can get advise of control your blood sugar levels to “normal” range.

    Nutrition get a dietition to provide low protein diet.And do more exercise.

  • Irene Law 3:58 pm on December 23, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: health   


    Sunny Day

    Hemophiliac is a diseases for patients who bleed without stop due to  their blood cannot clotting  by itself. Once get hurt or cut will cause bleeding disorder and without information of this illness anytime  will lost your life.

    As you know that a human or animals  either  if   lost  to much  of blood will either become coma due to no oxygen or died. Blood is the main stream tranport oxygen to our whole body .

    To cure for home first aids or treatment  this illness or diseases with a very quick way is prepare  a cold ice pack   in between with a cloth before compress and to avoid the ice burn just incase the patients is a small kids the cut or wound as long as you can .Than you can tranfer patients to the hospital or surgeon to continue the procedur.

    This is a vey basic knowledge that i know and basic treatment opinion that i can give maybe you would like to know more can read some medical nurses book by Oxford or others authors. From there you can get more detail and information. In future will provide more info as i can.

  • Irene Law 3:28 pm on December 12, 2008 Permalink | Reply
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    A Bad Day 

    Cool day

    Today i had a very bad sore throat and fever. Maybe is due to the year end weather in our country Malaysia. Mostly year end the weather will change very fast. It can be sunny day at day time and very soon in the afternoon it will change to raining day. That how i get caught with my sore throat and fever.  I will like to advise people out there please plenty of water  and take more fruits which content high vitamin C. It really help trust me.

  • Irene Law 4:37 pm on November 27, 2008 Permalink | Reply
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    Never Give Up 

    Today i just visit a general doctor who’s want to get my product for a cancer patient who can’t take his daily intake by his own. He have to depend to my product name call PEG. Is a silicon tubing which can allow you to feed or patient to take their daily intake by fluid. At least patient still can feel the feeling of full.

    But this patient never give up he still have a very strong fighting spirit. I gave my product free to this patient hopefully can help him. Temporary this is what i can help. The rest he have to help himself. I can see that this patient had a very strong will. Hope he recover very soon.

  • Irene Law 10:24 am on November 25, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: health   

    Cancer: Prevention & Testimonial 

    When we mention about cancer most of the people will have a very negative thinking. Most of the people will give up life very easy. Yes when people talk is easy but come to patient position it will difficult for them .


    It will be good if we can do our annual medical check up to prevent before it happen .And if we discover early than we can cure it as soon as possible . They is a lot of testimonial and story about patient who survive . I will attached the web site address: http://www.healthcare.com/tag/cervical-cancer-pictures/ and some book to refer.

    All the book and article which can lead us to the better way as long as you try and determine yourself as what in the book guide.I believe it will be a very good chance for you and me. well some people will offence.I very happy if anybody can give some better advice or feedback.You are always welcome .

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